The Emotion Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret) after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher.  The Emotion Code is designed to clear stuck emotions contributing to Physical discomfort and illness and restore Love and wellbeing to the individual.  This is done using intention, with the use of magnets run down the governing meridian which links to every organ in the body to release energetically trapped emotions.  Many clients report relief from physical discomfort, more love and better relationships, and increased success.  The emotion Code is not only for humans but also is great for our pets to help them live happy peaceful lives.


In the world, everything that we see, touch, feel or sense is energy.  Some of the energy takes a physical form such as animals, plants, stones or even us Humans.  Other Energy takes an invisible form like the oxygen we breath and the warm or cold air around us that we feel but do not see. God created everything to vibrate/resonate at a different frequency.  For example, Love carries the highest frequency on the earth while doubt and fear are of a very low vibration.  Even our emotions vibrate at their own frequency.  When they are positive emotions of Love, Joy, Peace, Excitement, Laughter they create a high frequency/vibration that helps our body heal and stay healthy.  In scripture it says in Proverbs 17:22 “A happy heart is good medicine, and a Joyful mind causes healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”  In the same way that positive emotions can bring healing to the body, negative emotions can bring sickness.  We are often taught from a very young age to stuff our emotions as others do not want to deal with them or see them.  When we stuff down these negative emotions, they cause physical blockages and many time sickness in the body.  Negative energy can come from not just physical pathogens but also emotion and spiritual blockages.  To truly heal the person, we must heal them physically, spiritually, and emotionally to assist the person to fulfill their God given destiny in full health.


There are many ways to clear negative energy from a person.  With all modalities of clearing energy, I start by asking the Holy Spirit to clear with the assistance of the Angles.  The modalities that I primarily use to clear negative energy are Neutralization, Emotion Code, and Biofeedback.


A trapped emotion is like a ball of energy that is wedged into different organs, muscles, tissues, and joints.  These little vibrating balls of energy are releasing a very low vibration into the body lowering the vibration of the person thus making them more susceptible to infections, pain and attracting more negative energy because “like attracts like”.  Just about everyone has some form of stuck emotions/emotional baggage.  This baggage can be from emotionally, physically, or spiritually tragic or trying circumstances, inherited emotions, or energy absorbed from someone you have been around.  We can pack our emotional bags when we have a hard life situation and choose not to, or don’t know how to deal with the situation so we pack it into our bag to be delt with at a different time.  Dr. Bradley calls each “suitcase” a Trapped Emotion, “a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, and got stuck in your body somewhere.”  Many of us were taught from a very young age to “suck it up”, “Dry it up” because others either did not want to or did not know how to deal with our emotions.  Often, we were taught that emotions make us weak when in fact they are actually there to help us navigate through a tough situation and release so as to not cause further harm.


With Emotion Code trapped emotions are released using magnetic energy, by running a magnet down the governing meridian of the body which is linked to every organ in the body.  Through this process the emotions are released 1 at a time from the organs.  Every part of this process is energy, your body, the emotion, and the magnet are all different forms of energy.  With the Combination of emotion code and Muscle testing we can identify stuck emotions and release them using the energy of the magnet.

Emotions are also able to be released through the process of neutralization.  The process of neutralization can be used to clear physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages.  The process of neutralization is using the Holy Spirit, Angels, and our intentions to clear the energy and send it to the light of God.  I test each client to see which way would be the most effective to clear the stuck energy.


One type of emotion that is not talked about very often is a Heart-Wall emotion.  We have all heard it said “they have a wall around their heart” referring to people that are resistant to or have troubles with relationships.  I once thought that this was just a metaphor but have learned that we can actually build walls around our heart with stuck emotions.  Dr. Nelson estimates that 93% of all people have a heart wall.  A Heart wall is used by many people as a form of protecting themselves from being hurt again.  The problem with heart-walls is that they not only block healthy connections and relationships, but they can contribute to physical heart problems such as high or low blood pressure, heart disease and other heart problems.  The problem here is that while hear-walls can be useful for a time once there they do not go away on their own.  Heart-walls must be energetically cleared to keep you open to healthy relationships and keep your heart open to give and receive Love which is the highest frequency energy.